Get Set For Work
('Get Set & Go')
Get Set for Work aims to provide young people aged 15-19 years with nationally recognised training, combined with integrated learning support measures and foundation skills, that will enable them to successfully transition to employment and/or further education and training.
Get Set for Work is not a general education program. It maintains a clear focus on the attainment of nationally recognised qualifications in demand by local employers with a focus to move individuals into employment or potentially consider further education.
Get Set for Work is a project-based delivery model funded by the Queensland Government to support local organisations like DISCO to deliver customised training opportunities in a community based setting The support provided can include:
Nationally recognised training to gain qualifications (including foundation skills) up to Certificate III-level
Integrated learner support including career advice, job preparation skills and case management
Get Set for Work provides tailored support that must accompany the delivery of training to develop skills and competencies.
Training and assessment services under Get Set for Work are funded under the Certificate III Guarantee.
Target Groups:
Get Set for Work primarily targets young Queensland residents aged 15-19 years who either: are ineligible for Australian Government employment services or assistance, or require complementary services because they have significant barriers to learning and employment, or have accessed Australian Government services for more than six months and remain unemployed Priority will be given to young people who have already left school or are at risk of disengaging from school.
Enquire Now:
For more information on the Get Set For Work program, please contact the GSFW Officer at DISCO’s Toowoomba office on (07) 4632 9065, DISCO’s Dalby office on (07) 4662 2147 or DISCO’s Gatton office on (07) 5462 1400.